Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Box

What a ridiculous title, but what a ridiculous idea. It's impossible to tell by the previous statement but I really enjoy the concept of this device: push a button, grab a clean million, somebody dies, all is good, right? The obvious moral/ethical dilemma had me believe this would be such a boring movie, that I was caught off guard on just how...decent, the film was. I still had a lot of problems with it though: is it really necessary for Diaz to try that accent all the time?

And I was lost. I didn't know until the credits rolled that this was Richard Kelly of Donnie Darko fame and confusion. So it perfectly explains the WTF directions this movie took abruptly and frequently. The sci-fi element was injected into your skull hard before you had a chance to prepare yourself. My brain was left abused, and I wasn't sure what to do afterwards. What did the average movie-goer think of this old switcheroo as they left the theatre? Or perhaps it's that I watched the trailer, dismissed the movie and if any attention was paid, I would know it was going to be a confusing mental exercise. Hell, I watched it on a Saturday afternoon as an afterthought; something to fill the background.

So while I have nothing interesting to say about the movie, I would say it felt good to watch a movie in the afternoon, but it was tough overcoming the crushing guilt of sunny skies and a cool wind outdoors. These are the sacrifices we must make though.

1 comment:

Cale Morsen said...

When I first heard the title I thought it was going to be a 2 hour documentary about Cameron Diaz's vagina.