Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Demons aren't interested in poor people

Wow, sorry about that.

The Unborn was not a movie I would watch on my own, although the poster grabbed my attention: the backside of a beautiful, underwear-clad woman. And she delivers a couple of times throughout the movie, but what really stood out for me was how stinking rich these people are. These are late-teens, going to college or university or some super-rich private school they live in mansions all by themselves. Perhaps it's on the cutting room floor but lady there and all her friends live in their own respective mansions with no parents in site. So when she has to go around breaking all the mirrors in her house (you've seen Mirrors too right?) you think to yourself "just a few mirrors, here and there."

No, she has about a hundred to break up. I'm not even sure I've looked in 100 different mirrors my entire life, but they are everywhere in her house. And does it accomplish much? No. One of the things that I did not understand was that this demon has a variety of ways to get into other people's bodies, mirrors and so on but it's never clearly defined. So when she breaks up the mirrors, the demon just does something else that is convenient. So you are cheated, because there are no rules.

But there are some cool sequences, gruesome deaths and ridiculous dialog/characters. A snack of a movie best served with friends casually.