Tuesday, November 09, 2010

The National - Boxer

This post could be epic or sad; it may end in failure. I have been in love with this album for a very long time now, ever since I first listened to it. Dave introduced me to The National with the track Secret Meeting off their Alligator album. Something about it stuck with me, clicked instantly, to the point of seeking out all their other music. Boxer was released in 2007 and there is a chance I've listened to it hundreds of times; their sound is epic and sweeping. Matt's vocals are hypnotic; paired with the rest of the band, the intricate songs are addictions that never seem to get old. After all these years I love nothing more than to immerse myself in Boxer.

Fake Empire
This track starts off with a wicked piano; I read once that the referenced fake empire could be referring to the USA and it's citizens. People of the country being half-awake to what's going on around them and their role in the world; being told they live in the greatest empire in history but in reality, it's a delicate, verging on unstable land that they must "tiptoe through cities with glass slippers on." Regardless, the percussion and brass wake you up halfway through, getting you pumped for the rest of the album.

Mistaken for Strangers
This song could be described as brooding, perhaps with a somewhat monotone voice as its being pushed along with heavy drums. I just love the idea of being "mistaken for strangers by your own friends," a testament to people's blindness and self-absorption, perhaps. It becomes even more relevant when you love the movie American Psycho so much.

Again, with a strong intro this song is almost stalkerish, or describing the intense feeling of falling in love without being allowed to. At least, it reminds me of something to that effect.The hopeful lyrics "you might need me more than you think you will" resonates with me as some kind of forbidden, unknown desire for a girl: I love her but she does not know, and if she does know my desire, she will not recognize it or any kind of desire back towards me.

Squalor Victoria
Again, it may be my own problem but reminds me of a girl. Specifically this song does as I can remember driving, thinking and being worried. "Out of my league, I have birds in my sleeves and I wanna rush in with the fools." The song ends with definitively, something that I can't attest to.

Green Gloves
A slower, more relaxed but sweeping song that resonates with the verses "get inside their heads, love their loves." This song always turns me introspective; the slow moving instruments attaching onto into my brain, moving it forward. As if, putting on my own green gloves, will give me just the boost I need.

Slow Show
This song comes alive to me with the lyric "you know I dreamed about you, for twenty-nine years before I saw you" and "I missed you for twenty-nine years." Truly epic. The instruments at this part become basic, effective and pronounced, with a beautiful piano and drum line. Twenty-nine years, because I am twenty-nine years old, and want to meet the love of my life; it's clear to me what the song is saying as it slowly descends out. This is definitely one of my favourite tracks as it feels deep, layered and personal.

Apartment Story
Just as the previous song ended slowly, this one hits you with sound and a hopefulness, as well as a story of getting older. This reminds me of approaching adulthood; becoming complacent, becoming tired more quickly but also becoming more aware. We have love to give and we are more capable of providing it now than we were when we were younger.

Start a War
This is the part of the album, where if I'm listening late at night and lying down, I will slowly drift to sleep. This song feels comfortable, with a slow build-up that feels like it's getting stronger but never quite jars you awake again. Nobody wants to start a war; stay and confront your battles.

Guest Room
If the last song put me to sleep this one brings me back to life with strong drums. Another song that reminds me of growing up; just as they throw you into prison, you can't do what you did when you were younger without consequences now. Talking about being in the guest room so often, and acting like deviants reminds me of being out of place with friends; we're not settling down. We'll always be holding on; we know change must be made but really, why would I want to?

Racing Like a Pro
Womanly hands? Shooting up the ladder? More coming of age; this album and the years I've been listening to it matches the themes perfectly as I enter into a career, become overwhelmed and my mind races to keep up. I was once glowing too but it feels too long ago. Dumbstruck is the key word here as this song can move me into a sadness that is both comfortable and scary.

This one is very catchy and gets my feet or head bopping along. The song sounds happier than it would seem; while I don't necessarily relate to this tune in particular I can feel the emotion running through it. It's very beautiful.

The album ends perfectly with vocals being front and centre, with simple, supporting instrumentals. I feel as though everything comes together here.

It's weird to think that I'll be listening to this album thirty years from now, and loving it just as much as I do now. Perhaps that won't happen; I listen to Boxer and am reminded of my dream girl, a love lost and of dealing with growing up, letting go of the past and becoming more aware of who I am. It seems crazy, but this album is very emotional; I am attached to it now. It will remind me of long drives on icy roads, and of recovering from bad days, amongst other things.

Listening to it for the purpose of writing this article has not been the same as how I typically listen: eyes closed, volume slightly increased a total immersion in the melody. I can hear each instrument, focus on different parts every listen and experience this anew forever. Sometimes, when the mood is right I am moved, other times I just want to appreciate the music on a simpler level.

Truly, a terrific piece of art.


Dave said...

Though I admire Alligator more these days, Boxer was my introduction to the band and sentimental favourite. It's hard to think of another album that reminds me more of the last days of university and setting off into "adult" life.

What are your thoughts on the new one?

Ryebone said...

I haven't spent too much time listening to their new album. There is some hesitation as I feel like nothing can live up to Boxer and Alligator. But from what I have listened to so far, it's very good!