Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week Two through Four

First was Blade Runner, and now along comes 3:10 to Yuma. Was this movie worth the purchase? That may be debatable, but I kind of felt the pressure to purchase a movie in the second week of January and that was the best choice. When I put it that way, it practically breaks the rules, doesn't it?

The fact is I really enjoyed this movie in theatres. It's great to see Christian Bale do just about anything, and Russell Crowe was perfectly smug. Did you like the ending? Most did not. I did; and I can't really explain it. It seemed very...reasonable. Shall I spoil it for you? Yes, yes I shall. Crowe willingly takes the train to prison, when he doesn't have to. That seems to have upset a lot of people, but doesn't it just make sense that the guy wants to go for a ride? You know he's not going to stay in jail. I may be mistaken but they may have even mentioned that he's escaped from there numerous times already. In any event, there were some dastardly characters and it was fun to watch.

How does the Blu-Ray look? The fifteen minutes I've watched so far have looked great. Reviews indicate that this is a solid disc. I wouldn't doubt it at all, and I look forward to watching it in full.

So that's two weeks taken care of. I also went ahead and bought weeks three and four: Lord of War and Layer Cake. Of all the places in the world, I never thought I would be buying movies at HMV. It was a two for fifty dollar deal, which isn't all that great to begin with, but decent enough to warrant a purchase. I really dug the vibe of Lord of War, and Layer Cake is just a good movie all round. Of course, it's been a few years since I've seen it, so a re-watch is in order.

So what's coming up for week five? It's difficult to say; there don't seem to be too many great discs coming out, so I may have to dig into the shelves to find something decent. For some reason, I'm leaning towards TMNT, most likely for two reasons. One, it is a CG and would look really great. Second, there's a phenomenal fight scene between Raph and Leo that was just awesome.

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