Friday, October 21, 2011

The Bourne Trilogy

Simply because you bought an item, or registered on a site, will guarantee hundreds of e-mails delivered to you for the rest of your life. Some sites are worse than other, and yes, I'm looking at you Eddie Bauer. I buy one pair of pants from you, sign up to get your card and I receive daily messages. Surely, there are not that many deals or petinent information about clothing every single day. Amazon, on the other hand, deals in a vast array of different items, so getting daily messages from them feels a bit more useful. It's also exciting when they send you something that interests you (a practice they practically pioneered) at nice discounts. Typically these e-mails get deleted quickly, but one message I received the other day was for the Bluray collection of The Bourne Trilogy.

All three movies for $25.

I had downloaded these a while back and basked in their glory, and this deal - just over 60% off the retail price  - was too good to pass up. I shopped around to see if anything else was worth buying: there wasn't. My standards are relatively high, although questionable. I put the item in my cart and proceeded to check out. Then I froze. What am I doing? I haven't been regularly buying movies in ages, especially since purging my DVDs a while back (I still have too many). I took a lunch break, and came back to it at the end of the day, fully resolved to make the purchase. I love the movies.

This is a trilogy that I will enjoy for a long time to come, and yes, I have bought them before (on DVD) and I believe the third movie, on HD DVD. Well, it was time to pay up and buy these movies again; the discounted price is the only reason the decision was on the table to begin with. And I felt that twinge of excitement again. This time around, I wasn't buying out of necessity or because the collection was special in some way. I verified the quality was excellent, and proceeded because the movies are just fantastic. It took me by surprise to see how often I've revisited the films over the years. So now, with the package arriving this afternoon, I find myself watching them again. This time, I'll be watching with an audio commentary, getting some insight into the making of these films.

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