Friday, July 11, 2008

Movies for the week ending July 11

In the past seven days I've had the pleasure of watching even MORE movies than the previous seven days before that.

CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK - Of course, I saw this in the theatres when it first came out, as I was a big fan of PITCH BLACK, and consequently, somewhat disappointed in the direction this movie took. That is, of course, a fairly standard action movie. But, since, it is in space, is full of hardcoreness and entertaining scenes, it's a movie that I can watch in small doses time and again. A few days ago I caught the middle of this movie, where they take Riddick to that crazy prison and they manage to escape the exploding surface of the planet itself. I mean, that was fun. I've probably seen this movie about four times now, and I would have to give it a rating of 6/10.

BLADE RUNNER - Do I really need to say how awesome this movie is? This time around I could truly appreciate the classic special effects and how they've held up over the years. It really makes me depressed that we depend upon CG so much, and how quickly that stuff ages. This movie, specifically, the final cut, is solid all round. Great picture, great sound, fantastic story, sets, acting. This movie has it all. 9/10

DAWN OF THE DEAD [1978] - I keep watching this more often the past couple of years and it just keeps getting better. I still can't comprehend how the "consurmerist" message is still relevant in this day of age, but I guess it would have been when malls were these new, overwhelmingly large things, and the idea of surviving in one was absurd. Now, we have no problem imagining such things as they seem to be complete cities under one roof. This is just classic cinema; nothing much more to say on it right now. 9/10

WALL-E - Yeah, a kids movie, but, it's Pixar, right? Pixar has never done wrong and I'll always contend that these are as much for adults as the young'uns. I loved how this movie played out with no (English) dialogue for the first half. The technical aspects of the film blow me away and the whole "look what has happened to society" is fantastic stuff. The movie is very cute; the robots are great and the messages being conveyed are pretty simple. Fun movie to watch, definitely. 8/10

Ahhh dammit. You just can't win. I had this great review of American Psycho typed in here, then Blogger crapped out on me, erasing everything. Well, just so you know, I love the movie. I gave it a 9/10 and had some real intelligent things to say about it. Ugh, Blogger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.