Thursday, February 07, 2008

End of One Hi-Def a Week?

I actually looked at the calendar in research of this "project" of mine and have discovered that this is actually week six, and I have basically failed. I've bought, what, four hi-def movies thus far? Where is five and six? They may be months away. I just can't bring myself to pay money for some of the stuff out there right now. And what makes it really tough is that there are no great releases coming out now, or in the foreseeable future, for that matter.

And it's all the fault of the main rule: don't buy crap. Just buy quality; can't be that hard, but it is. In the past few years my movie tastes have become much more refined: gone are the days when I would instantly go out and purchase every edition of Terminator 2 or various other "great" action movies of the eighties and nineties.

A movie has to really stick with me; it has to be good and all that, although some of my purchases are questionable. But it all comes down to: am I going to watch (and enjoy) this movie again? So perhaps this is just a lull in releases and more good stuff will come out later on, but for now, the project is on hold.

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