First up on the block is Alien vs Predator: Requiem, which I guess is a sequel to the crap that was released a couple of years ago. Does it tie into it at all? Apparently it does, but I didn't pick up on it and it really doesn't matter. If you're into trailers you will have seen the nice R-rated trailer released a few months back that promised much more of this movie than what was really delivered. In the trailer you saw heads being blown up, people being impaled, aliens popping out of chests and generally, lots of gore. And because of this, you've basically seen the movie.
I would have expected more: I really wanted a clean, concise and gory look at some aliens fighting some Predators. Instead we only get one Predator and a number of Aliens, with humans stuck in the middle. Although, they really didn't try hard with the plot and I will give kudos for that. So what went wrong? Not a whole lot I guess. I was pretty satisfied with the movie on the whole, but could definitely have used some more...something. It's impossible to say what. But really, just watch the first film and then this one, and you will be quite happy with Requiem.

As for the singing? I can't tell who sings badly generally unless they are the initial rejects of American Idle, so I thought everything sounded pretty good here. While it's most likely fact that they recorded their singing separately, I could only really tell that was the case with some of Helena's performances. Not a big complaint at all.
The third movie is barely worth mentioning at all as it was just complete and utter trash: Epic Movie. There are so very few words I can invest in this movie that it deserves, positive or negative. It was just terrible. Trash. It was so offensively bad that I feel guilty for having watched at least an hour of it. But, on the other hand, it puts the bar so low it places over really terrible movies in a positive spotlight. If you watch this and then the original AVP, you might be mistaken that the latter was a decent flick.
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