Ever since I got onto the internet I've been trying to keep a presence online, in the form of a website. The Bone Kingdom was a Word produced page with about four pages of images on it. Although pretty terrible some people went to it, and over the years it was shut down and redesigned every so often. In my university days I got into more full-featured services such as Tripod, which allowed me to keep a blog. Problem with this, and every other site I had before then was lack of interest on my behalf. I could post consistently for a month then never touch it again.
I would eventually open a Blogger site, with the express interest of telling stories about playing Halo 2 online. I think I posted about three things before I moved and life changed a bit: no more Halo and no more blog. But, I would revisit it and actually get posting on a semi-regular basis, bringing us to where we are now.
So that's a brief history of the Chronicles.