I was awoken just past midnight with the buzzing notification of my phone as it vibrated off my night stand to the floor below. What could possibly be going on? My thoughts immediately went dark: perhaps somebody was trying to contact me because of an emergency with a friend or family matter. I grab the phone and unlock it quickly, fearing the worst. I see text messages from my friend Cale, that simply stated: 9 Days to Go. It was ominous, but clearly not life threatening - unless he was counting down to something nefarious. I asked for some details, and he responded back with one word:
Oh yes, the new Christopher Nolan film was coming, and its arrival was quickly upon us. This is a movie that I've been specifically avoiding in the hopes of not receiving spoilers and to keep my first viewing experience as unblemished as possible. The teaser, released quite some time ago, was enough to sell me on the film. The trailers that I was subjected to was giving me a few too many details than I cared for, but I had faith that since Nolan was behind the director's chair, I would be pleasantly surprised by the film regardless.
As I was browsing Reddit, I saw a title along the lines of "What the film reel of Interstaller looks like on 70mm." It was an image, and as I surmised the contents I deemed it safe to click on, so I did. What I was presented with was an image of a gigantic film reel on its side, sitting in a projection room ready to be loaded up. Nearby objects revealed the size of the film, and it was gigantic. I had heard of 70mm projection before, but now it was time to take a look into this. My theories were correct: 70mm is quite a bit larger than a typical film cell, resulting in a dramatic increase in picture quality. In this case, Interstellar was filmed in IMAX, filling the entire 70mm frame in a glory that can only be experienced in two theatres in Ontario. This IMAX experience differs from the mainstay screens you see branded with the IMAX name, in that this 70mm projection would be film, while all others are digital. And those digital projections can't match the resolution - so to speak - of a film cell this large.
After messaging Cale and some others, I attempted to convey the benefits of watching this film in 70mm and quickly, a trip was planned to go downtown Toronto. Unfortunately Cale had some other responsibilities (re: family) so he was unable to go, but my friend here was up for the journey. We booked tickets for a 3:30pm show, left for Toronto at 10 in the morning and found our way, with a couple of pit stops, to the theatre. We progressed to our reserved seats, and sat down. Immediately we noticed the size of these chairs as being particularly small. We were shoulder to shoulder, and remarked that this was an older theatre and could only surmise that the general populace is growing horizontally at an alarming pace over the past fifteen years as the new theatre in our hometown had wide, comfortable seating. The screen in front of us was massive, a true IMAX screen. I got excited.
Right on cue, the lights dimmed and screen lit up with various studio logos. There were no trailers or previews here. Those digital elements were not welcome here, and I can only assume that studios don't bother sending out trailers on film anymore. This was going to be a pure experience, but if only somebody told customers. People were waltzing in up to ten minutes after the film started, thinking that they were going to avoid some of the previews. This distraction could not compare to our first disappoinment: the deep bass of the score seemed to be out of sync (assuming multiple subwoofers), creating this sickening low end droning that would drown out the movie's vocals. After a few minutes of this at the beginning of the film, I felt a headache coming on. This was not supposed to happen. And it happened four or five times throughout the movie.
The second disappointment came from the picture quality itself, which was a significant point as I had just set aside an entire day and hundreds of kilometers to see this movie in the best image possible. First, not all the film was shot in IMAX. Yes, it was silly of me to assume the entire thing was, and perhaps I was a bit too optimistic or my detail-denial of this film obscured some of this information. It's the same thing as Nolan's The Dark Knight, where some scenes are in IMAX while others aren't, and you can determine this by the complete change in aspect ratio. The non-IMAX scenes, or regular film scenes were out of focus and muddy. This was present throughout the entire film, and nagged on my mind throughout.
The IMAX scenes were breathtaking. They were sharp, in-focus and magnificently large. There were plenty of scenes to be seen in this way, and each one delivered on all fronts as promised. I've never see an image as good as this, even going back to seeing Star Trek (2009) in the IMAX in Chicago years ago. That film wasn't shot in large format, but the image was the best I had seen and is the gold standard for picture quality afterward. Nothing has matched it since, except these large format sections of Interstellar. It's all the more disappointment when you understand that this could be the movie presented in this 70mm format. The filming process is expensive, as is distribution. Digital projection is prevalent and the new standard, to the point where studios don't send out film reels anymore. While I'm glad to have seen this in 70mm, I'm upset that it was such a poor theatre experience.
What of the movie itself though?
It was really fantastic. While I step back a little to ensure that I don't view the movie with any kind of bias because of who directed the film, I can't help but see the shine of a truly good director come through here. I own all of Nolan's films, and have confidence in saying that I won't be stopping that habit anytime soon. The genre really appeals to me, and this science fiction film throws out a lot of science that may be incredulous, but presented in a very believable way. The plot is basic: the Earth's plant life is dying, and our crops are nearing impossible to grow. Humanity looks to the stars for a new home. Of course, there is much more.
Something bad has happened in this world, and I enjoy that it's left to our imagination to fill in the blatently gaps. No armies exist anymore. You have a choice to pay taxes? NASA is operating in secret? All little tidbits that help add some depth to this universe while keeping the focus on the story and the characters. In fact, we never really leave the small farm or town - aside from the sweeping space travel. This juxtaposition is important to ground our characters, keeping a focus on their motivations. And yes, the sweeping space travel is incredible. We're presented with some really incredible visuals and sights that we get to experience with awe. Nolan allows us time to consume what we're seeing. The incredible score brings us through the voyage and personally, had me on the edge of my seat.
If you've seen 2001: A Space Odyssey, you'll be right at home here, as well as being able to catch much of the inspiration. A scene from Event Horizon - of all films - is duplicated here nearly verbatim, and it doesn't involved demons from hell. The pacing is a bit slow at first, as the film spends a lot of time on exposition. It's almost jarring when we get into space, and from there things come along at a decent clip. The movie still clocks in at 180 minutes and you can't help but feel some of the latter part of the film was compressed a bit, so we can always hope for a longer cut on home release. The science was pretty heavy at times but at no point was I overwhelmed and in no way am I saying I understood it all. Perhaps it's that I didn't try to wrap my head around much of it that allowed me to enjoy it. You don't need to fully understand the mechanics of time relativity to fully appreciate the emotion that is delivered afterward. I think they've made a pretty accessible film by focusing on the basics, while providing us quite a bit more to chew on.
I don't want to say too much about it, so you can experience it as fresh as I did myself, but I encourage going out to see it, and I will most likely be going out to see it again. A) for the experience of the movie itself and B) for a hopefully better theatre experience, with proper sound and an in-focus picture. Although those IMAX scenes were incredible.
Stories and experiences of video games, movies, life and technology from your pal.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Friday, November 07, 2014
As I typically keep up on forthcoming special editions of various movies and frequent Bluray
collector sites, I became aware of a movie named Nightbreed that was being given quite the royal treatment. Shout! Factory was releasing a 3 disc special edition of this film, pricing it at about $45 and stamping limited numbers on some of them upon the thriving horde of movie collectors worldwide. Never heard of Nightbreed before, so I took it upon myself to see what the fuss is all about, and most importantly, decide if I wanted to partake in this expensive special edition. After all, at a price like this, there must be something boiling underneath.
The first hit on this movie brings up the name Clive Barker, who wrote and directed the film, which was based on a short story of his own creation. It's a familiar name, especially for those of us growing up in the late eighties: a few iconic horror movies adorned Clive's name above the title, including Hellraiser and Candyman. He was also a well known author, and was involved in various comic book projects (and still is, most likely). It wasn't my type of horror back then, so I missed out on all of it, including Nightbreed.
Not having seen it upon initial release shields me from the nostalgia-goggles that so often blurs the quality of a product - or movie, in this case - from your harsh adult judgments. It's not a bad thing by any account: I love watching movies that were significant to me when I was younger, even though I can see why they would be terrible. Nightbreed, however, was met with critical and box office failure when it released back in 1990. A special edition decades later like this screams cult classic, which indicates I could very well enjoy the film. After all, I've been revisiting many films from the eighties recently and have gotten a kick out of most of them.
Nightbreed is definitely a cult classic. Further investigation unearthed a story of studio meddling, cutting and general Hollywood tomfoolery. The theatrical cut was an abomination, and soon after, Clive Barker put together his own cut which became known as The Cabal Cut. It looks like there was a 145 minute version Barker put together back in 1989, which existed only on VHS as a work print and presumably was bootlegged into cult status. Fast forward two decades, and a newer 159 minute cut was revealed on another long-lost VHS. In 2012, a new 155 minute cut was put together, using elements of the VHS tapes and a DVD from the Warner Bros Archive. This was enough to get people really excited, and it was time for Shout! to announce an upcoming DVD release for the followers of this film. Turns out, they really outdid themselves, as they discovered the original film elements of Nightbreed and gave Clive Barker the opportunity to put together his own cut. The Director's Cut would be the definitive version of this film, and it's made up entirely by thoroughly restored original footage. If you were part of the cult, this was a dream come true.
With all that knowledge, it was time to watch the movie - because I knew about the history of the film I kept myself dark on the film itself. I chose to watch the Director's Cut of course. And what can I say? This is not a good movie, and it pains me to say that. I really wanted to enjoy this film. It's not even a matter of exceeding or falling short of expectations, I just sincerely could not enjoy the film. The first act felt disjointed; there was a lot happening that I didn't understand, nor did the film provide me a lot of clue in the end to what was happening. Our main character - played by Craig Sheffer- is flat generic and meaningless. His girlfriend, played by Anne Bobby, is perhaps the most versatile and impressive on screen, but her poor character keeps walking into danger. Many character actions just don't seem to make a lot of sense. The plot seems like a mess. Is this because there was such a focus on the "monster" makeup? Clive Barker's mind can produce some really interesting imagery, and it's all present here. Each of the dead, residents of Midian, are unique and interesting to look at. Unfortunately they all kind of suck. They are not interesting characters. In fact, they all seem like pushovers with a ton of negativity. Barker wants to guide us through a dream like world, but there's simply too much. The literal trip down the levels of this underground world is incredibly impressive: the monsters and sets are incredible. Unfortunately it's all marred by poor dialogue, silly actions and a weak story. Then there's Cronenberg - yes, that David Cronenberg, who plays a doctor who is really a serial killer trying to frame our poor protagonist. He aids in exposing the hidden refuge of these mutants, and helps the plot along and get us our actual "horror" in the film with traditional slasher methods. The mask he wears is brilliant.
Apparently Clive Barker wanted this to be a Star Wars of horror films, so to speak. And you can feel that ambition flowing from the film and it's rather unfortunate that it falls flat. It seems like this happens too often, and when you look back at some of the great trilogies and worlds, they are built on strong first outings, and those first films don't necessarily try to build up an entire world and leave strings out for future iterations. The first Star Wars film - episode IV - can stand on its own. When you boil down the plot and the characters, there are classic elements that have withstood the test of time and proven themselves in other films (before Star Wars). Through the creation of compelling characters, future stories are born.
The story of how this film came to be restored is interesting, and I'm envious of the fans of the movie. If only some other cult classics could be so lucky and treated with such care and passion. While the movie didn't impress me, I can see that passion coming through, and I can see hints of great, more wonderful things emerging.
collector sites, I became aware of a movie named Nightbreed that was being given quite the royal treatment. Shout! Factory was releasing a 3 disc special edition of this film, pricing it at about $45 and stamping limited numbers on some of them upon the thriving horde of movie collectors worldwide. Never heard of Nightbreed before, so I took it upon myself to see what the fuss is all about, and most importantly, decide if I wanted to partake in this expensive special edition. After all, at a price like this, there must be something boiling underneath.
The first hit on this movie brings up the name Clive Barker, who wrote and directed the film, which was based on a short story of his own creation. It's a familiar name, especially for those of us growing up in the late eighties: a few iconic horror movies adorned Clive's name above the title, including Hellraiser and Candyman. He was also a well known author, and was involved in various comic book projects (and still is, most likely). It wasn't my type of horror back then, so I missed out on all of it, including Nightbreed.
Not having seen it upon initial release shields me from the nostalgia-goggles that so often blurs the quality of a product - or movie, in this case - from your harsh adult judgments. It's not a bad thing by any account: I love watching movies that were significant to me when I was younger, even though I can see why they would be terrible. Nightbreed, however, was met with critical and box office failure when it released back in 1990. A special edition decades later like this screams cult classic, which indicates I could very well enjoy the film. After all, I've been revisiting many films from the eighties recently and have gotten a kick out of most of them.

With all that knowledge, it was time to watch the movie - because I knew about the history of the film I kept myself dark on the film itself. I chose to watch the Director's Cut of course. And what can I say? This is not a good movie, and it pains me to say that. I really wanted to enjoy this film. It's not even a matter of exceeding or falling short of expectations, I just sincerely could not enjoy the film. The first act felt disjointed; there was a lot happening that I didn't understand, nor did the film provide me a lot of clue in the end to what was happening. Our main character - played by Craig Sheffer- is flat generic and meaningless. His girlfriend, played by Anne Bobby, is perhaps the most versatile and impressive on screen, but her poor character keeps walking into danger. Many character actions just don't seem to make a lot of sense. The plot seems like a mess. Is this because there was such a focus on the "monster" makeup? Clive Barker's mind can produce some really interesting imagery, and it's all present here. Each of the dead, residents of Midian, are unique and interesting to look at. Unfortunately they all kind of suck. They are not interesting characters. In fact, they all seem like pushovers with a ton of negativity. Barker wants to guide us through a dream like world, but there's simply too much. The literal trip down the levels of this underground world is incredibly impressive: the monsters and sets are incredible. Unfortunately it's all marred by poor dialogue, silly actions and a weak story. Then there's Cronenberg - yes, that David Cronenberg, who plays a doctor who is really a serial killer trying to frame our poor protagonist. He aids in exposing the hidden refuge of these mutants, and helps the plot along and get us our actual "horror" in the film with traditional slasher methods. The mask he wears is brilliant.
Apparently Clive Barker wanted this to be a Star Wars of horror films, so to speak. And you can feel that ambition flowing from the film and it's rather unfortunate that it falls flat. It seems like this happens too often, and when you look back at some of the great trilogies and worlds, they are built on strong first outings, and those first films don't necessarily try to build up an entire world and leave strings out for future iterations. The first Star Wars film - episode IV - can stand on its own. When you boil down the plot and the characters, there are classic elements that have withstood the test of time and proven themselves in other films (before Star Wars). Through the creation of compelling characters, future stories are born.
The story of how this film came to be restored is interesting, and I'm envious of the fans of the movie. If only some other cult classics could be so lucky and treated with such care and passion. While the movie didn't impress me, I can see that passion coming through, and I can see hints of great, more wonderful things emerging.
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Destiny Video
One of the features I was excited for on the PS4 is the Share button, and all the things that it could enable on the system. Specifically, I liked that it was going to record the last fifteen minutes of gameplay and allow me to save that with a touch of a button. It works, and it works well. So far, I've recorded a few gaming sessions and saved them locally, but haven't done anything with it, because the options are limited: Facebook or Twitter (I think). With the latest update we can now upload to YouTube, which is ideal. So this past weekend I decided to upload a video I took of me playing my very first Salvage match in Destiny. Here's how it went.
It seems like a lot of steps and in all honesty, it was. It was also the first run through, which is a learning experience: future endeavors will go by with a buttery smoothness, I'm sure. Now I just have to fight with my Ryebone YouTube account, which is attached to my Google+ account, which forces me to use a first and last name, so it shows up like "Rye Bone" which just kind of sucks.
As for the video itself, you can see it below. It was my first Salvage match, and it's a bit rough. I don't even know what weapons to use because I'm pretty new to the Crucible. But I make it through. My team is all-star. Then I see that the other team had some dropped players, making it infinitely easier for us. It gets a bit more interesting near the end, where somebody else joins the competition and we have to do a bit more fighting. Most importantly, I never die - until just moments after the match is finished. Really, it was a good experience and I'm encouraged to upload more later on. After intense matches of Star Craft, my friends and I would spend just as much time watching the replay together and making commentary.
- Figure out that I can't just upload the raw video to YouTube.
- Download and install Sharefactory on the PS4
- A week later, remember that I installed it.
- Open Sharefactory, become somewhat confused by the lack of options in it.
- Start a Project in Sharefactory.
- Choose my opening bumper video.
- Try to figure out which video has my gameplay in it (it's been over a month).
- Spent a weird amount of time trimming the video.
- Figure out how to export the project.
- See that Sharefactory was going to take 30 minutes to render the video.
- Come back hours later.
- Connect PS4 account to YouTube
- Enter my 30 character random password manually into PS4 interface. Twice. This took a long time.
- Start upload to YouTube.
- Uploading takes just over an hour.
- Play Destiny for a few hours.
- Receive confirmation of video upload from YouTube.
It seems like a lot of steps and in all honesty, it was. It was also the first run through, which is a learning experience: future endeavors will go by with a buttery smoothness, I'm sure. Now I just have to fight with my Ryebone YouTube account, which is attached to my Google+ account, which forces me to use a first and last name, so it shows up like "Rye Bone" which just kind of sucks.
As for the video itself, you can see it below. It was my first Salvage match, and it's a bit rough. I don't even know what weapons to use because I'm pretty new to the Crucible. But I make it through. My team is all-star. Then I see that the other team had some dropped players, making it infinitely easier for us. It gets a bit more interesting near the end, where somebody else joins the competition and we have to do a bit more fighting. Most importantly, I never die - until just moments after the match is finished. Really, it was a good experience and I'm encouraged to upload more later on. After intense matches of Star Craft, my friends and I would spend just as much time watching the replay together and making commentary.
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